Thread the Needle 🧵 (varying difficulties) for Lower Back

by Yoga Self-Practice

BEG: Start in 4-point position. Knees under hips, feet in flexion, hands under shoulders

Lift the right arm up (like a bow & arrow) & then extend up to the ceiling, opening through the shoulder

Thread the Needle: Bring your right arm down towards the left knee

The left form comes onto the floor – head may or may not touch the floor

Get a nice stretch into the back of the shoulder

To come out: Push into left hand, using your core. Come back to table top position & make sure you do the other side

INT: Start in 4-point position. Knees under hips, curl the toes in, hands under shoulders

Lift the right arm up (like a bow & arrow) & then extend up to the ceiling, opening through the shoulder

Thread the right hand under the left, bringing your shoulder to the floor before bringing the right side down

Keep a bend into left elbow, pushing the left hand into the floor, gently stretching through the right shoulder

To come out: Push into left hand, using your core. Come back to table top position & make sure you do the other side

ADV: Start in 4-point position. Knees under hips, curl the toes in, hands under shoulders

Lift the right arm up (like a bow & arrow) & then extend up to the ceiling, opening through the shoulder

Bring the right arm under & through, placing the back of the hand, tricep, shoulder then head on the floor

Reach left arm forward, spreading through the fingers, stretching through the whole back body

To come out, bend your left elbow, push your left hand into the floor & come back to neutral position

Yoga Self-Practice