Intermediate Yoga exercises for improved posture πŸ§˜β€β™€οΈ

by Yoga Self-Practice

Bending Mountain Pose: In mountain position, feet below the hips, arms up with micro-bend, hands in flexion

Lift out of the hips & find a little bit of flexion to the right (bending towards right leg)

Work on the movement of the spine. Push into the feet. Keep belly button pulled in

To come to centre, push into both feet & draw belly button in. Change sides

Go up & over to the left while pushing into right foot. Stretch into right side of the body

Pushing through both feet come to centre, releasing back down into mountain pose & breathing

Reach arms up, micro-bend elbows, tailbone under, belly in, lift up & over

Don’t let the head fall back, keeping the back of the neck long & eyes forward

Breathe into the chest. Push into the feet, pull your belly button in & go back to neutral. Breathe

Tree Pose: Plant weight on left foot, micro-bend left knee. Place heel & sole of right foot onto shin

Arms come out to shoulder height, palms to ceiling, opening through the shoulders

Create your opposition – as you push your left foot into the floor, lengthen the crown of the head towards the ceiling

Push your right heel & left shin bone against one another. Try not to let your butt stick out

Keep the spine nice & long, belly button in, chest high, open the shoulders. Eyes forward – breathe

Downward Facing Dog: Starting in a semi-plank position with hands a little wider than shoulder width

Keep your feet hip-distance apart, a little bend in the knees

Keeping the bend in your knees, lift your hips towards the ceiling, coming into an upside-down V

Head down – look between the ankles. Bend the knees even more if you feel the spine is rounding

Keep the length into the spine & back of the neck long

Push your feet down into the floor, feeling your hips lift

Spread your fingers wide – pushing the floor forward

Bring your body weight forward, place the knees down on the floor with control

Yoga Self-Practice