DIY Zero Waste Muscle Balm 💪

by Zero waste life 2019

Add 1/4 cup coconut oil into a glass jar. 🥥

Add 1/8 cup of grated beeswax to the jar. 🐝

Place in a medium saucepan with water over medium/low heat to melt them together. Stir.

Add in 1 tsp ginger powder & 1 tsp of cayenne powder.

Mix well.

Once mixed, allow to slightly cool & add 7 drops of lavender essential oil.

Add in 7 drops of peppermint essential oil as well.

Mix well.

Pour into an air tight container. Leave overnight and it was harden into a balm.

TIP: Use amber glass jars are hen making anything with essential oils to ensure it is safe from the sun’s UV rays. ☀️

Zero waste life 2019