Beginner Yoga exercises for improved posture πŸ§˜β€β™‚οΈ

by Yoga Self-Practice

Bending Mountain Pose: Going back to mountain position, lip up & out of the hips

Find a little bend to the right side of the body, stretching through the left side of the body

Check you’re not collapsing into the right. Stay supported & actively push down into the feet

Breathe into the left body

Come through centre by pushing through both feet, draw the belly button in & come over through the other side

Stretch through the right side of the body & push into the right foot as you lean to the left a little more

Push back through both feet into centre, into the spinal extension.

Placing the heels of the hands on the lower part of your sacrum, roll your shoulders open

Lift the sternum up towards the ceiling, back of the neck stays long, eyes look up

Breathe right into the top of the rib & take another breath

To come through centre, pull your belly button in, come back through mountain & take a breath

Tree Pose: Starting from mountain position, balance on your left foot, micro-bending into the standing knee

Place your hands down beside your hips, palms faced open, in flexion

Your right heel pushes above the left heel bone & the toes stay on the floor

To test your balance, life your toes off the floor, then place them back down

Try to keep your balance on the left leg

Eyes forward, back of the neck long – breathe

Downward Dog: Starting from 4-point position – hands underneath the shoulders (widen hands if shoulders are tight)

Keep your knees just behind the hips & balls of the feet down to the floor

Float your knees up off the floor & draw your belly in

Think of lifting your tailbone up towards the ceiling as you start to bring your ribs towards the quads

Keep the spine really long. If you feel your spine is rounding, lengthen the distance between hands & feet

Lift your tailbone up towards the ceiling, your gaze between your ankles & back of the neck is long

Decompress the spine – push floor forward with your hands, separating the vertebra

Breathe in & out through the nose

To come out, slowly place the knees back onto the floor

Yoga Self-Practice